Compressor Stations

Engineering, design and procurement review/approval and construction management of a 7,700 horsepower grassroots new compressor station in the over 3,000 km long, 48/36 inch diameter, Alliance Pipeline system, exporting natural gas from northern Canada. 

Engineering and design of three topside modules on the Gulfaks offshore Norwegian platform, comprising of a gas transmission compressor package, a gas re-injection package and a power generation package.

Engineering and design of three natural gas compressor stations at Asab, Bab and BuHasa, in an over 400 km long 24-inch diameter natural gas pipeline system, delivering gas to a petrochemical plant in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Front end engineering and design (FEED) of natural gas compressor stations in the IGAT II pipeline system, from Kangan, Iran to Astara, Russia.

Engineering, design and construction support of natural gas compressor stations, including their internal combustion engine/electric motor/gas turbine drivers, in the over 50 compressor stations along the TransCanada Pipeline system from Alberta to Montreal in Canada.


Rendered management, engineering, design, procurement, construction support, commissioning and start-up of high-pressure, large-diameter, cross-country transmission natural gas and liquid petroleum pipeline systems for various clients in North America.

Provided Pipeline Engineering and Design consulting services to an EPC firm in Calgary, Canada.

Rendered pipeline engineering consulting services to the approximately 2000 km long, 56-inch diameter TANAP pipeline project in Turkey, planned to transport natural gas from Azerbaijan to Europe.

Managed pipeline engineering and design of pipeline replacement projects and the planning and engineering of pressure testing of high-pressure, cross-country and urban transmission pipelines of a major utility company in North America, in compliance with applicable regulations and industry codes and standards (ASME B31.8, API & others).

Project management of a major North American energy company’s pipelines, facilities and terminals projects, with the intent of optimizing the operation of the system, increasing the operational efficiency and lowering the operating costs.

Engineering and design of an approximately 400 km long, 30-inch diameter crude oil pipeline system for Enbridge Pipelines, to transport oil sands extracted oil, from southeast of Fort McMurray to Edmonton, Alberta in Canada.

Engineering and design of an approximately 185 miles of 30-inch diameter crude oil pipeline system in North America, to carry heated heavy oil from offshore production platforms and onshore produced heavy oil, to area refineries.

Conducted heat/horsepower optimization studies on a 24-inch diameter, approximately 160 miles lone heated oil pipeline system, to determine the optimal crude oil temperature to minimize pump stations' power requirements. Implemented study recommendations saved the owner/operator over $ 1 million per year on reduced utility costs.

Conducted steady-state and transient flow simulation studies on a 20-inch diameter, 18 mile long products pipeline, to determine the cause of pressure surges and vibrations and to recommend solutions to eliminate them.

Constructed oil and gas pipelines in the streets of a major city in North America, with numerous road and railroad crossings, using horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method of construction.

Constructed oil and natural gas cross-country pipelines for a major energy company North America.

Engineered and designed the looping of an existing high-pressure, cross-country natural gas pipeline system in North America.

Engineered, designed and rendered construction support of an over 400 km long 24-inch diameter natural gas pipeline system from Asab, Bab and BuHasa compressor stations, providing feedstock to the Ruwais petrochemical plant in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Engineered and designed an over 100 km, 24-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, supplying fuel to a power generation plant in Tunisia, North Africa.